加盟代理:13662206789   +V:57200361
Team of HK Licensed public accounting firms  
HK company accounts, audit, tax return  taxpayment








You should pay attention to and understand the following issues in the selection of accounting audit of Hong Kong companies:

1. For companies established in Hong Kong, domestic accountants are not qualified to do accounting and auditing, and the Hong Kong tax bureau does not recognize their effectiveness.

2. The accountants in mainland China do not understand the methods, rules and procedures of accounting and auditing of Hong Kong companies.

3. Do you really have a Hong Kong Accountant's license for the agent entrusted by you to assist you in auditing the accounts of Hong Kong companies?

4. There are very few Hong Kong Accountants' licenses. They can be obtained by the end of ten years and eight years. The amount of gold is very high. The cost of employment is very high. The annual salary is almost 5 million yuan, and there is no bonus or bonus.

5. Please pay attention to whether your agent is qualified as an accountant. They may be just an intermediary and have no guarantee for your company's audit. They do not know how to deal with accounting and taxation in compliance with the regulations, nor can they provide you with relevant service guarantee after audit. For example, if the Hong Kong tax bureau checks your company later, they can't provide you with assistance in investigation and preparation of relevant documents.

6. If they don't have a license plate, please replace your agent immediately for the sake of insurance. Otherwise, you can only bear the consequences, because the prosecution period of accounting accounts in Hong Kong is seven years. You find no qualified agent to do the disorderly account, you are likely to pay tax and be punished, pay a fine to collect the subpoena.

01 香港公司做账审计、核数服务介绍
Introduction of auditing and auditing services for HK companies 
 法例要求 根据香港《公司条例》第622条第429章节,所有在香港注册之有限公司每年的财务报表需委托给会计师事务所审核,以便公司各股东了解公司财政状况。
 税务要求 税务局亦会要求公司于递交利得税报税表BIR51时,附上已审核之财务报表,以便进行评税程序。详情可见 http://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/pdf/e51notes.pdf 
 监察运作 有限公司的投资人是股东,而管理者则是董事。股东考虑到自身利益,必然想了解公司的经营状况。但公司不能无限制地披露内部运作的重要和敏感财务数据,或让 股东有权去审查公司的明细账目,因此公司需要一个独立的第三方专业人仕对公司的账目进行审核,确保向股东呈报的财务报告是真实可靠和没有重大误述的,使股 东可了解公司的经营状况,并在保密公司数据和监察董事表现中间建立平衡点。

  申请发明专可向国家申请发明专利权,用于保护 发明人该项新技术或新方法,以及保护相关的新产品。
The auditor of Hong Kong company is designated as Hong Kong certified public accountant, and domestic accountant is not qualified to do Hong Kong company audit! Please know your boss!

Hongxinrui business group's Hong Kong directly affiliated accounting firm: Junku Decheng certified public accountants: it holds the Hong Kong Accountant brand and is a member of the Hong Kong Society of accountants. It has provided many years of experience in sorting out old accounts, supplementary declaration, accounting audit, tax return and tax payment services for Hong Kong enterprises and listed enterprises. It is good at tax audit, tax declaration, tax planning, tax planning, etc Risk aversion and financial regulation.

What situations need to be audited

1. Hong Kong company tax returns need to be audited, or other relevant government departments require audit.

2. Bank accounts or loans need to be audited statements;

3. Audit statements are required to apply for innovation fund;

4. Investment and financing need audit;

5. Investment immigration needs audit;

6. The conclusion of the project needs special audit;

7. The leader leaves office needs to leave the post audit, the management request needs the internal audit;

How to deal with the problems in accounting audit of HK companies?
03 委托鸿鑫瑞帮做账审计报税优势
Entrust hongxinrui to do accounts, audit and tax returns
Audit process of accounting in Hong Kong
一、 Relevant information of Hong Kong company:

1. Registration certificate Cr (scanned copy)

2. Business registration certificate Br (scanned copy)

3. Incorporation form nnc1, annual return of the latest year Nar1 (scanned copy) company change document (if any)

4. One audit report of the previous year (scanned copy) (if any)

5. All import and export documents of the year (original or scanned copy). See article 2 below)

二、 All import and export documents of the year are as follows:

1: Annual examination fee (replacement of business registration certificate) and receipt of registration fee (scanned copy) (if any)

2: Bank statement (required)

3: Sales PI and purchase contract, purchase order, packing list and invoice (if any)

4: If you need to pay the employee's salary, please attach the copy of the employee's ID card and signature; (arrange according to the situation, not necessary)

5: Inventory table (if any)

6: Expense documents: original or copy of transportation expenses, meal expenses, office supplies, etc. (expenses incurred by the company), rent (with lease contract) and payment receipt (if any).

7: The quantity of goods purchased and sold should correspond. If there is any stock, please indicate it.

8: Generally speaking, the audit report issued by our company is submitted to the government. Customers can choose whether to ask our accountant to issue a confirmation letter (if a confirmation letter is issued, we have to wait until the confirmation letter is received before arranging the audit report, so the time for issuing the audit report will be extended.) If the client uses this audit report for special purpose, please give a notice when making the audit report.

9: If the accounting records exceed the basic amount, a fee will be charged for the excess.

10: Indicate whether it should be done according to the actual situation or with special requirements. If there are special requirements, please state clearly. If it is necessary to reduce the profit or make it equal or loss

Note: the specific information is provided according to the situation of different industries. Please consult our customer director for details.
The information to be prepared is as follows