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Hong Kong Company Registration
Hong Kong Background:
Offshore profits are tax-free.
Major international trade, commercial and banking centre.
Hong Kong Introduction:
Hong Kong is a former British Dependent Territory which became a Special Administrative Region of the People"s Republic of China with effect from 1 July 1997. Hong Kong continues to have high autonomy in the running of its affairs under a "one country, two systems" concept. Hong Kong remains a relative powerhouse in world trade and, with a comparatively small population of more than 7 million, is one of the top twenty trading economies, the world"s third largest financial centre, and vies with Singapore as the largest container port in terms of volume. Hong Kong remains the most significant gateway into Southern China.
Law and Taxation:
Hong Kong"s corporate law is based on British Common Law. Local businesses are regulated and Hong Kong regards itself as a Low Tax Centre rather than a Tax Haven. Taxes are levied on profits, salaries and properties at varying rates. Estate duties was completely abolished on 11 February 2006. Only profits derived in Hong Kong are assessable for taxation and genuine offshore transactions are not subject to Hong Kong tax, although the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) is extremely diligent in its determination of onshore and offshore profits.
Due to Hong Kong"s role as a major trading and entry point to the Mainland and Asia, the bulk of companies formed in Hong Kong are generally for trading purposes.
Local Infrastructure:
There are in excess of 1 million companies incorporated in Hong Kong. With the implementation of the Integrated Companies Registry Information System (ICRIS) on 28th February 2005, the new Companies Registry Electronic Search Services became available for checking company information. Numerous banks, stockbrokers and finance houses as well as all the major international legal and accounting firms are present in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is also well-served by local secretarial, corporate management and trust companies, and has an efficient, modern and dynamic banking system designed to assist the international business community.
Corporate Requirements:
1)Chinese names are permitted and can be included on a company"s Certificate of Incorporation.
2)Each Hong Kong Company must have a local secretary and a local registered office which must be a physical address and not just a Post Office box.
3)Each company must have at least one director and corporate directors are permitted for companies that are not subsidiaries of public listed companies.
4)The company should have at least one shareholder. Details of the company"s directors, shareholders and secretary must be filed with the Companies Registry and put on public record.
5)Each year the company must submit an annual return and penalties apply for late filings and there is ever-increasing vigilance by the Companies Registry in this respect.
6) All companies must obtain a Business Registration Certificate from the IRD and are required to file a set of audited accounts with the IRD annually.
7)Company names may be expressed in both English and Chinese characters.
Hongxinrui Business Group Shenzhen Co., Ltd
contact us:
Wechat: 57200361
mailbox :57200361@qq.com
Tel: 0755-28225389
咨询微信:BIN57200361 HKCPA123 加盟代理热线:13662206789
中国深圳光明区电话:0755-28225389 28367696 地址:光明区兴新路288号
中国广州电话:18926470786 地址:番禺区汉溪大道西233号路福联合广场15楼1503-1504室
中国海南电话:13612973360 地址:海口市龙华区国贸路40号长城大厦1401室启富众创空间140号
USA TEL:+(718) 737-2828:ADD:28-01 Prince St, Suite 8C, Flushing, NY 11354
Singapore TEL:+65 66778653:ADD:60 Paya Lebar Road #8-55 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051
United Kingdom TEL:+44-35962788: ADD:291 Brighton Road, South Croydon, United Kingdom, CR2 6EQ
HONGKONG TEL:+00852-22679998 : ADD:Ho King Comm CTR, 2-16 Fayuen ST, Mongkok Kowloon, HK.